
PLEASE NOTE: Anasphere suspended current generation tethersonde production at the end of 2022. The following information is for reference only.

Simple Tethersonde System

LiteTetherTM is a compact tethersonde system developed for boundary-layer profiling and near-surface meteorological measurements. A single flight module is deployed on the tether of a blimp, kite, or similar platform. A free Android-based app operates the system from a handheld device or tablet computer, saves data in a file, and can display data in real time. Data may be collected at up to a 1 Hz rate, and onboard data logging is an integral feature of the system.
LiteTether has been specifically designed to be as inexpensive, simple, lightweight, and rugged as possible. This is, in part, why LiteTether has a low-power radio with a limited telemetry range of around 150 meters. A longer range would require a higher-powered radio and a separate ground station, and would also reduce battery lifetime. Anasphere does offer tethersondes with longer-range capabilities, and these are found in our SmartTetherTM line of tethersondes.
With regard to simplicity, LiteTether is presently operated only through an Android app. This has enabled us to develop a simpler user interface than is used with our SmartTether system. This design choice also means that LiteTether, unlike SmartTether, can only operate one flight module at a time with the app. Users requiring simultaneous measurements from multiple tethersondes will find a solution in our SmartTetherTM line of tethersondes.
LiteTether has been designed to offer the flexibility of incorporating additional sensors with minimal effort. A GPS receiver, analog-to-digital converters, serial ports, and counters can be added to LiteTether by the inclusion of a suitably configured daughterboard. These are not standard options, but are available upon request.
We have found LiteTether to be a very easy to use tethersonde, and trust that your user experience will be as enjoyable as ours!
Documentation and software are available on our tethersonde resources page.

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